Friday, May 20, 2011

Words in the words "Memorial Day":

Moral, year, lord, road, deal, memory, lame, dimmer, mole, moe, demo, real, lair, liar, year, dare, Mary, memo, mild, mold, model, oreo, meal, lid, lad, mom, yam, may/May, rim, rial, made, lamely, yearly, early, airy, dimly, dam, mad, madly, daily, day, rid, mile, moldy, rod, lay, led.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Poll 1 answers:

Based on the map, how many islands are in the Tono Ocean?

Answer: 6

If you were the one person that got it correct (I checked results), comment in! (this post)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I am going on a cruise and I have invited Poohret too!

I don't know when I'm going yet, but Poohret is going to a sleepover the night before the cruise at my house!

It's going to be so fun! I just know it!

(P.S. Please comment)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Couplet 1 and Quatrain 1


Out and in, Furbur skated,
Stopping in front of a doorway gated.


Turtles crawl by a marsh,
avoiding places that are harsh.
Slowly, slowly, slowly,
like a zombie that is ghouly.