Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Mystery 5

  In the afternoons, Loka always played with Csaska, but today was different.

  "Tag-you're it!" Bigpaw said running away from Csaska. They were playing tag with Hortaga, Cocra, and Fistro. "Tag!-Whoa! What's that?" Hortaga exclaimed. Cocra rushed over. Then came Bigpaw and Csaska. Fistro was last.

  "Wow! A treasure chest!" exclaimed Cocra. "That's my ancient treasure box." Bigpaw said. "I have a hobby of collecting stuff. My friend Briggy is also a collector, so we collect stuff together. Briggy had a big shoebox and I had paints, so we made a treasure box for our collections. But then I remembered about my antique treasure chest so we used that instead. But since we had already made sections for the different collections in the shoebox, we put the shoebox in the treasure chest. It fit perfectly. And since it was double boxed, we made a secret compartment. See?" He opened the lid and put his finger into a hole on one side. The hole was hard to see because that side had a bubble design with lots of circles. Now the side slid down into the base of the chest, revealing a piece of string which Bigpaw pulled. One of the bubbles on the side, which was now on the bottom, slid away. Bigpaw poked his finger into the bubble and pulled his finger back out. Out came a metal combination lock which Bigpaw unlocked. Suddenly the box stretched out revealing several gold coins; the left half went left and the right half went right. "Wow. You're good at building secret compartments!" complimented Csaska. "Let's show it to Frooga, the building expert! She'll be amazed!"

  So, they went to Frooga. Csaska was right; Frooga was amazed. In fact she was so amazed that she decided to let Bigpaw join her building club. She told Bigpaw to leave the treasure chest on her desk while she took Bigpaw on a tour around her headquarters. Csaska went to the bathroom, Hortaga to the art room, Cocra to the office, and Fistro to the treasure room.

  But when they came back, the treasure chest was gone! "It had to be one of us-Fistro, Hortaga, Cocra, or me, because we were in other places and could come back to get it. Only we know the box has a secret compartment." Csaska suggested. "You are right, and I know who took it." answered Bigpaw.

                              WHO STOLE THE TREASURE CHEST?


  1. Fistro appears likely as he appears to be interested in treasures.

    However, should Bigpaw incriminate Fistro just because he has the interest? No one is guilty until proven. We need to give him the benefit of the doubt.

  2. Yes. Fistro didn't have to be the culprit just because he has interest.
