Monday, November 22, 2010

Mystery 1

Can you solve the following mystery?(If you want, you can join the mystery contest: comment in your answer, and the first person who gets their answer in (if the answer is correct,) wins the contest. ) 

One day, at the Bear Club all the bears studied about horses. Anipooh was very good at sketching a horse. Her horse looked like an artist had drawn it! Poohney said that horses must be her best her drawing that she had ever drawn, but then, suddenly she yelled, "Solve this code!" and she ran out the door. On her way out, she shrew a slip of paper over her shoulder. It had a code scribbled on it. The code read:
  1. L.E.A....... (licked, eaten, and......)
  2. H.C. rice(home cooked rice)
  3. I.M. swimming(one lap butterfly, one lap backstroke, one lap breaststroke, and one lap freestyle.)
Later everyone found out that the code was for revealing what person/place/thing/animal she drew better than horses without having to be there.

Can you name the coded word?


  1. No we don't. Look carefully at the note. The code is within.

  2. does each clue lead to one word or does the codes make one word?

  3. I think I got the word; that is the name of the person in the story.

  4. Think. The last part of the mystery explains that. It says that it's a person/place/thing/animal. Unless it's a full name or a long animal name made of 2 words or a long place name, (I normally don't know (if I don't look it up in the dictionary)any animal or place name that consists of 3 words.)it can't be a 3 word code.

    (In other words, it's rare (I'm not meaning that it's not the answer) to have a 3 word code answer.)(Just to make it less confusing)

    Think it over. You want to be the first one to get a correct answer in, do you.

  5. That is the person Poohes was worried about in 'Chapter 3 The Quest'; the name is spelled backwards in the code.
