Sunday, June 26, 2011

Warriors (novel series)

Since last post, I have been reading a novel series: Warriors. It tells about wild forest cats (Clan Cats) and house cats (kittypets). From now on, I will occasionally write stories about them, or write summaries about these cats.

Good Reading!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cinquain 6 and 7

quick, sleek,
running, clawing, hunting,
pouncing on quick prey,

smart, clever,
jumping, helping, climbing,
playing with her friends,
Black bear.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Chapter 7: Chombombbeer Tunnel (continued)

"Oh, no!" said Poohes in disappointment. But he didn't worry. Because just then, something caught his eye! He saw a big hole in the ceiling next to the wall, and Poohes could fit through! He walked over to the hole and peered at the wall. There were slots in the wall, as it wanting Poohes to climb up through the hole. He climbed.